2019 operating grant for adolescent contraception concludes with policy research in Uganda

2019 operating grant for adolescent contraception concludes with policy research in Uganda

The partners organised two stakeholder consultation meetings with approx. 60 people at the Ugandan Ministry of Health. The partners received feedback on their preliminary analysis of Ugandan laws and policies. Data from an additional fifteen key informant interviews conducted during...

In 2020 the findings from this research will be published in a journal article, policy brief, and project video.

The ADAPT project brings together Prof. Viola Nyakato (Mbarara University of Science & Technology, MUST), Ms. Wendo Olema (MUST), Prof. Kristien Michielsen (ICRH/UGent), dr. Katrina Perehudoff (ICRH/UGent), Ms. Elke Wuyts (ICRH/UGent), Dr. Denis Kibira (HEPS Uganda), and Mr. David Kabanda (CEFROHT).

It received a 2019 Post-Doctoral Operating Grant from the Global Minds fund, supported by VLIR-UOS and the Belgian Department of Development Cooperation.