European Network for the Prevention of Female Genital Mutilation in Europe


Main objective:

To set up a European network for the prevention of female genital mutilation on the girl child, young women and women in Europe

Specific objectives:

To exchange information and experiences and disseminating models of good practice at community level
To harmonise various training and management guidelines of circumcised/infibulated women currently available for health professionals
To harmonise research efforts in Europe


To implement the final recommendations as formulated in the Daphne project "Towards a consensus on FGM in the EU"
To harmonise training and management guidelines for health care professionals in Europe (unit 1)
To exchange educational material, experiences and models of good practice at community level (unit 2)
To harmonise research efforts on FGM in Europe (unit 3)


Unit 1: Health care level: activities

Collection of existing guidelines in Europe (hospitals, national associations of health professionals, etc.) on clinical management of women with FGM and culturally sensitive care for women
Organisation of two expert group meetings to review and evaluate guidelines on clinical management of women with FGM
Development of a framework for qualitative, culturally sensitive care for women with FGM in the EU

Unit 2: Non-governmental organisations, governmental bodies and community based organisations

Organisation of a workshop for exchanging materials and best practices and for dissemination of practical project work examples (on issues of finding donor agencies, media campaigns, training and education, …)
Development of a database on available materials at the co-ordinating centre
Update of existing database of resource persons and organisation, developed during the Daphne project "Towards a consensus on FGM in the EU"

Unit 3: Academic level

Collection of research priorities of each party involved
Organisation of a meeting to discuss research topics and priorities
Development of a research agenda


A European network for the Prevention of FGM has been established. Members of the Network include health care professionals, members of the affected communities, social workers, researchers, NGOs and CBOs, governmental organisations, interested individuals, etc.
A database with educational material has been developed.
A database on resource persons in Europe was updated
A framework for training of health professionals on FGM related issues and a framework for developing guidelines for caring of women with FGM has been developed
A research agenda with priorities in research on FGM in Europe has been developed
An e-mailing list has been set up with all persons and organisations that expressed interest in being informed of activities concerning the prevention of FGM in Europe.

Funding agencies

European Commission


Els Leye, Marleen Temmerman, Piret Esken, Jamila Said Musse


Invandrarförvaltning, Göteborg, Sweden


January 12, 1999 - November 30, 2000

Project status

Project closed

Team members

Ms. Marleen Temmerman




Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)