Integration of the diagnosis and management of cervical neoplasia in the curriculum of nursery, medicine and gynaecology


General Objectives:

To reduce the incidence, morbidity and mortality related to cervical cancer in Nicaragua.
To upgrade the curricula of nursery, medicine and gynaecology at UNAN-Managua to international standards

Specific Objectives:

Nurses, doctors and gynaecologists graduating at UNAN-Managua will be competent to adequately diagnosing and managing precancerous lesions of the cervix, and this adapted to their clinical function.
Patients with precancerous lesions of the cervix, presenting at Bertha Calderon Women´s Hospital, will be timely and correctly managed.


Installation of computerized information system
Installation and training in use of statistical programmes
Organisation of a scientific forum regarding management of cervical neoplasia
Exchange of staff between Gent and UNAN
Inclusion of cervical cancer in list of research topics for students
Development of research proposals
Researchers attend conferences to present results
Round table to define profile and skills of academics
Workshops to revise current programmes
Revision of programmes of other countries
Approval and implementation of new curriculum
Purchase of educational material and reproduction
Taining of staff in colposcopy
Training of staff in outpatient treatment modalities
Monitoring of quality of education (theoretical and practical) provided to students
Further specialization through scholarships
Refurbishment of a room for diagnostic and outpatient treatment teaching clinic
Purchase and maintenance of equipment for diagnosis and outpatient management
Organization of clinical protocols and referral system
Enhance support services (cytology and pathology)
Review of existing training modules for different levels
Development of adapted training modules
Provision of classes to students
Programming of practical classes
Evaluation of knowledge and skills acquired
Folllow-up of women included in the cohorte study on HPV after treatment
Further analysis of results
Dissemination at local and international level


Conditions to realize research related to cervical cancer improvedInstallation of computerized information system
Staff and students involved in research related to cervical cancer
Academic programme updated
Team of competent staff trained
Referral and training diagnostic and outpatient treatment clinic established
Graduates in nursery, medicine and gynaecology have received practical and theoretical courses
Cervical cancer ongoing research efforts consolidated

Funding agencies



Patricia Claeys, Marleen Temmerman


Clara Gonzalez, Magdalena Gonzalez, Alvaro Garcia (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua)


May 01, 2004 - April 03, 2008

Project status

Project closed

Team members

Ms. Marleen Temmerman




Cervical cancer and HPV