Management of cervical dysplasia in HIV positive women
To assess the effectiveness of outpatient management of precancerous lesions of the cervix in HIV positive women and to identify predictors for progression
A total of 75 HIV positive women with abnormal cytology will be included in the study
After informed consent, a colposcopy is done, a biopsy, and genital sampling for viral tests
Women with a high grade dysplasia are treated with loop electrical excision procedure; women with histological confirmed CIN 1 are not treated but receive follow-up
Follow-up visits are planned for all women at 6 and 12 months
Until now, 75 women have been included in the study
Of these women, 20 had a CIN1, 32 a CIN2/3 and 1 had an invasive carcinoma
Follow up of the cohort is ongoing
Distribution of HPV in HIV positve women
Information on HPV types and viral load in HIV positive women with precancerous lesions of the cervix, before and after treatment
Recurrence and progress rate after treatment of high grade lesions
Progression rate of low grade lesions
Funding agencies
Hugo De Vuyst, Ingrid De Greef, Patricia Claeys, Annelies Aerssens, Stanley Luchters, Marleen Temmerman
Dr Othigo (Coast Provincial General Hospital Mombasa); J Bogers, E Van Marck (University Antwerp); Chris Verhofstede (AIDS Reference Laboratory, Ghent University)
January 01, 2003 - December 31, 2007
Project status
Project closed
Team members
Mr. Stanley Luchters
Ms. Marleen Temmerman