Ms An-Sofie Van Parys
Post-doctoral researcher
An-Sofie Van Parys has a bachelor degree in midwifery, a master degree in social sciences, a master degree in family and sexuality sciences and a PhD in health sciences. After her formal education, she gained experience in working with families with a problematic background. Partly as a consequence of this working experience, she developed a special interest in mental health and interpersonal violence in the period around pregnancy and childbirth.
On the one hand An-Sofie is currently employed as the leader of the maternal heath team and as a post-doc researcher at the International Centre for Reproductive Health at Ghent University where she is involved in several research projects on perinatal mental health, interpersonal violence and maternal health. On the other hand she works as a psychotherapist in a midwifery-practise and a hospital in Brussels where she guides women and couples struggling with psychological, relational and/or sexual challenges during the perinatal period.