Global Early Adolescent Study results available for Belgium
In October the results of the Global Early Adolescent Study from participants in Flanders, Belgium, were presented. This international study, coordinated by John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the World Health Organization, investigates how gender norms influence the...
During the schoolyear 2018 -2019, ICRH researchers Prof. Kristien Michielsen and Sara De Meyer implemented a survey among 1008 students in the first grade of 23 schools with a high percentage of students living in vulnerable situations.
Some of the results:
- 0,8% of the boys and 7,6% of the girls had romantic feelings for someone of the same sex
- There is a not so much knowledge on sexuality.
- +/- 40 % of the adolescents has experience with flirting on social media.
For more results: Check the report and the infographic
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