International Youth Week @ICRH

This week, in honour of International Youth Week, we present you with a recent article based on our work in the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health.

Never before have there been so many young people. About 60 per cent of the population in the least developed countries is under age 24. In combination with falling fertility rates, this offers huge potential for economic and social development. The precondition however, it that investments are made in education and health, for these young people to reach their full potential. ICRH is contributing to this by collecting evidence on social determinants of sexual and reproductive health of young people and studying prevention and health promotion efforts that aim to improve young people's health.
This week, in honour of International Youth Week, we present you with a recent article based on our work in the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
Monday: "Girls Have More Challenges; They Need to Be Locked Up": A Qualitative Study of Gender Norms and the Sexuality of Young Adolescents in Uganda. Full article
Tuesday: "Boys Should Have the Courage to Ask a Girl Out": Gender Norms in Early Adolescent Romantic Relationships. Full article
Wednesday: Factors Influencing Abortion Decision-Making Processes among Young Women. Full article
Thursday: Marching to a Different Drummer: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Young Adolescents Who Challenge Gender Norms. Full article
Friday: Adolescents' Sexual Wellbeing in Southwestern Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Assessment of Body Image, Self-Esteem and Gender Equitable Norms. Full article