Attitudes towards holebisexuality among adolescents living and/or studying in Ghent
Main objectives:
To obtain knowledge and insight that contributes to the development of an intervention which enables adolescents (14 to 18 years old) – living and/or studying in Ghent - to discuss sexual diversity and which adds to a positive change in attitudes towards holebisexuality.
Literature review
Qualitative research: In depth interviews and focus groups
Qualitative research: In depth interviews and focus groups
Literature review
Fieldwork (interviews and focus groups) and analysis
Fieldwork (interviews and focus groups) and analysis
Overview of factors that can contribute to negative attitudes towards holebisexuality among adolescents (14 to 18 years old) living and/or studying in Ghent.
Provide information that can contribute to the development of an intervention which improves discussion on sexual diversity and reduces negative attitudes towards holebisexuality among adolescents living and/or studying in Ghent.
Provide information that can contribute to the development of an intervention which improves discussion on sexual diversity and reduces negative attitudes towards holebisexuality among adolescents living and/or studying in Ghent.
Funding agencies
Agency for Socio-Cultural Work for Youth and Adults (Flemish Ministry Culture, Youth, Sport and Media)
City of Ghent (Diversity and Equal opportunity Service), Intercultural Network Ghent, Çavaria, vzw Jong
April 01, 2014 - June 30, 2014
Project status
Project closed