Improved Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Services for Most at Risk Populations in Tete, Mozambique (Tete-MARP)

Overall objective:
To reduce the occurrence of sexually transmitted infections, HIV and other sexual and reproductive health and rights problems among most-at-risk populations in Tete Province
Specific objective:
To improve access to quality sexual and reproductive health and rights services to female sex workers (FSW) and their clients
Establishment of and support to two stand-alone clinics for MARP
Provision of a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health services
Community outreach through peer educators and educational activities targeting MARP
Structural interventions to empower FSW and advocate for policy changes
Workplace-based and venue-based interventions targeting clients of FSW
Capacity strengthening of organisations supporting FSW
Situational analysis to better understand the needs of FSW and their clients
Evaluation of the impact of the intervention
FSW and their clients have better access to quality clinic-based SRHR services
FSW and their clients receive adequate and effective behaviour change information, education and communication on all aspects of 
A supportive environment is created in which behaviour change of FSW and their clients is sustained over a longer period
The management capacity of local governmental and non-governmental partners involved in activities with MARP in Tete is strengthened
The networks and determinants of transactional sex are better understood and the impact and cost-effectiveness of structural interventions on reducing risky sexual behaviour and HIV infection is assessed

Funding agencies

Flemish International Cooperation Agency; United States Agency for International Development; Projecto Carvão Moatize


International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH), Mozambique; Provincial Health Department of Tete, Mozambique; Estamos Juntos Project, Mozambique


October 01, 2010 - September 30, 2015

Project status

Project closed

Team members

Mr. Olivier Degomme
Ms. Marleen Temmerman




Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Health system research
Reproductive rights