Institutional University Cooperation with University Eduardo Mondlane

Main objectives:
To strengthen the UEM as a developmental actor in Mozambican society in the area of Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS
To improve reproductive health in society and to contribute to the national fight against HIV/AIDS
Specific objectives:
To contribute to the respect and observance of the right to health with regard to sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS
To contribute to people’s access to social rights linked to sexual and reproductive health
To contribute to improved policies and programmes addressing gender, family issues and health seeking behaviour, including traditional medicine, in Mozambique
To contribute to securing a favourable safe motherhood environment in Mozambique aiming at the reduction of the maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity, cervical cancer prevention and domestic violence reduction
To contribute to the national fight against HIV/AIDS and STI
To secure the sustainability of the IUC cooperation programme at the UEM
To secure that reliable data for key stakeholders in the area of reproductive health and HIV/AIDS are available
Long term collaboration geared towards institutional development
Financing and facilitation of cooperation (Partnerschip), not budget support
Content based on match between the priorities of UEM and the interest and expertise offered by Flemish counterparts in Flemish universities and colleges
Demand initiated leading to a joint programme based on partnership
Extensive post-partner programme support facilities
Conduct joint research in the different areas of reproductive health and HIV/AIDS
Increase the capacity of UEM academic staff through training, including PhD degrees
Strenghten UEM's training capacity by developing master courses
Strengthen ICT and library sciences at UEM
Conduct community-based activities

Funding agencies



Laurence Hendrickx, Isabelle François, Jessica De Blonde, Yves Lafort, Marleen Temmerman, Olivier Degomme


University of Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo, Mozambique; University of Antwerp, Belgium; Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium; Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium; University of Hasselt, Belgium


May 01, 2006 - March 31, 2018

Project status

Project closed

Team members

Mr. Olivier Degomme
Ms. Marleen Temmerman




Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Mother and child health
Reproductive rights