Leaving no one behind (LNOB): Access to contraceptive methods for vulnerable women in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Societal taboos and prejudice associated with women and adolescent girls’ sexuality, sexual and reproductive health and access to contraception become even more of a challenge if compounded with other vulnerabilities and discrimination associated with HIV status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, sex work, drug use and intimate partner violence. The COVID-19 pandemic has further aggravated existing vulnerabilities and revealed clear imperative for immediate change to help countries build back better. Despite access to sexual and reproductive health services and commodities have been prioritized by WHO and UNFPA as essential to be secured at all times, some region’s countries have nevertheless witnessed diverting the attention of governments from them – the worrying trend which needs to be immediately addressed before it becomes a ‘new normal’.
The purpose of this study is to shed light on perceived access barriers to and utilization of comprehensive family planning services by women living with HIV, women and girls living with disabilities, and survivors of intimate partner violence. In particular, the assessment will explore how the current COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns, other mobility restrictions, income losses and associated conditions have affected access to and utilization of comprehensive and integrated family planning services and contraceptive commodities.
Funding agencies
UNFPA Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Team Kristien Michielsen Linda Campbell Lore Remmerie
Mihai Horga, East European Institute for Reproductive Health, Roumania
East European Institute for Reproductive Health, Roumania UNFPA Regional and Country Offices in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
November 01, 2020 - December 31, 2021
Project status
Project closed