Hidden violence is a silent rape: prevention of sexual & gender-based violence against refugees & asylum seekers in Europe: a participatory approach report

Authors & affiliation

Ines Keygnaert, Ruth Wilson, Koen Dedoncker, Hilde Bakker, Marijke Van Petegem, Najla Wassie, Marleen Temmerman


From the arrival on European territory onwards, young female and male refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants are extremely vulnerable to several types of gender-based violence. This results from the "Hidden Violence is a Silent Rape" Study. This book describes extensively all phases and actions in the project undertaken. We introduce the project, its aims, methods and beneficiaries in Chapter 1 with an overview of the different actions. In Chapter 2 , the results of the Community Based Participatory Research are reported. Chapter 3 and 4 reflect the proceedings and recommendations fo the Hidden Violence is a Silent Rape Seminar.

Publication date:


Staff members:

Ines Keygnaert
Marleen Temmerman

Link to publication

Open link


Hidden_Violence_is_a_Silent_Rape_Final_Report.pdf (open)

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