Ms Ines Keygnaert

Director, Associate Professor


Ines Keygnaert is Assistant Professor in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Operational Director of the International Centre for Reproductive Health at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care of the Ghent University in Belgium. She is also the Team Leader of the "Gender & Violence" Team, coordinating the research line on violence prevention & response, sexual and reproductive health rights' violations, and on gender and sexual health promotion in hard to reach, vulnerable and minority groups. 

Prof Keygnaert recently coordinated the European study on inclusive care for migrant victims of sexual violence (INHeRE), the first gender- and age-sensitive sexual violence prevalence study in Belgium (UN-MENAMAIS), the “Relationships, Stress and Aggression in times of Covid-19” study. On behalf of the Belgian government, Ines developed, piloted and evaluated the first three Belgian Sexual Assault Care Centres. She is also founding member of the Academic Network for Research on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Policy (ANSER), the Centre for Social Studies on Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR), the Human Rights Research Network (HRRN) and member of the different other commissions on a.o. diversity, respectful behavior, human rights and scholars at risk.  

Ines is involved in a myriad of (inter)national research projects on holistic care for victims of violence, on sexual and gender-based violence prevention and response, on migrant health and acceptability of care in vulnerable groups. She developed clinical guidelines, violence prevention tools and training programs for many different settings and regularly provides consultancies for UN organisations and several governments. 

In 2020 she was granted the “Lucien De Coninck”-award for her outstanding research with high humanistic value and societal engagement. In 2021 she received the “Marie Popelin” award for her research on sexual and gender-based violence with extraordinary contribution to gender equity and women rights. 

Publications of Ines

2024 ‘We hold on and have patience’ : perspectives and experiences of migrant fathers in Belgian asylum centres

Leni Linthout, Ines Keygnaert, Massil Benbouriche, Caroline Desombre, Ilse Derluyn

2024 Factors related to police reporting in sexual assault care centers : are we underestimating the role of support persons?

Saar Baert, Stefanie De Buyser, Sara Van Belle, Paul Gemmel, Charlotte Rousseau, Kristien Roelens, Ines Keygnaert

2024 'In the end you keep silent' : help-seeking behavior upon sexual victimization in older adults

Anne Nobels, Lotte De Schrijver, Mira Van Landuyt, Christophe Vandeviver, Gilbert Lemmens, Marie Beaulieu, Ines Keygnaert

2024 Coping with sexual violence as a post-assault formed couple: A dyadic phenomenological interview analysis

Dagmar Stockman, Hanna Van Parys, Kasia Uzieblo, Heather Littleton, Ines Keygnaert, Gilbert Lemmens, Lesley Verhofstadt

2024 Disability and sexual violence

Lisa Fomenko, Lotte De Schrijver, Ines Keygnaert

2024 Sexual and gender-based violence

Lisa Fomenko, Ines Keygnaert

2024 Survivors’ dating and romantic relationship experiences following adult sexual violence : a qualitative interview study

Dagmar Stockman, Hanna Van Parys, Jan De Mol, Kasia Uzieblo, Heather Littleton, Ines Keygnaert, Gilbert Lemmens, Lesley Verhofstadt

2023 Ook mannelijke asielzoekers zijn kwetsbaar

Saar Baert, Lotte De Schrijver, Ines Keygnaert, Emilie Peeters, Leni Linthout

2023 ‘Eerst vrouwen en kinderen, dan de honden. Pas daarna de mannen’

Lotte De Schrijver, Saar Baert, Leni Linthout, Ines Keygnaert, Emilie Peeters

2023 Evaluatie van het bestaande hulpverleningslandschap inzake hulp- en dienstverlening aan plegers en potentiële plegers van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag : eindrapport

Lotte De Schrijver, Nele Vaerewijck, Ines Keygnaert

2023 Evaluatie van het bestaande hulpverleningslandschap inzake hulp- en dienstverlening aan plegers en potentiële plegers van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag: Cartografie

Nele Vaerewijck, Lotte De Schrijver, Ines Keygnaert

2023 Van ongepaste opmerkingen tot een knip zonder toestemming: geweld tijdens de bevalling ontrafeld

Anna Galle, Ines Keygnaert, Kristien Roelens

2023 Mental health of sexual assault victims and predictors of their use of support from in-house psychologists at Belgian sexual assault care centres

Saar Baert, Lisa Fomenko, Aurélie Machiels, Iva Bicanic, Sara Van Belle, Paul Gemmel, Christine Gilles, Kristien Roelens, Ines Keygnaert

2023 'Invisible hence inexistent?' : sexual violence in older adults

Anne Nobels, Gilbert Lemmens, Christophe Vandeviver, Nele Van Den Noortgate, Marie Beaulieu, Ines Keygnaert

2023 'Just something that happened?' : mental health impact of disclosure and framing of sexual violence in older victims

Anne Nobels, Charlotte Meersman, Gilbert Lemmens, Ines Keygnaert

2023 An ecological approach to understanding the impact of sexual violence : a systematic meta-review

Dagmar Stockman, Laura Haney, Kasia Uzieblo, Heather Littleton, Ines Keygnaert, Gilbert Lemmens, Lesley Verhofstadt

2023 Characteristics and associated factors of self-reported sexual aggression in the Belgian population aged 16–69

Evelyn Schapansky, Ines Keygnaert, Christophe Vandeviver

2023 Disability and Sexual Violence

Lotte De Schrijver, Lisa Fomenko, Anne Nobels, Ines Keygnaert

2023 Exploring sociodemographic and mental health differences among constructed male victim severity profiles

Joke Depraetere, Tom Vander Beken, Ines Keygnaert, Christophe Vandeviver

2023 Is there an association between level of attained education and help-seeking behaviour after sexual victimisation?

Laura Peeters, Lotte De Schrijver, Ines Keygnaert

Projects of Ines

Migrant health Sexual health and wellbeing

Sexuality in transit zones: sexual health of migrant men and young people in transit zones in Belgium and France

In 2022, more than 45 000 migrants, of which the vast majority are single men, succeeded to reach the United Kingdom (UK) by crossing the perilous English Channel.

Project ongoing
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Interpersonal violence Gender Migrant health

Gender sensitivity in credibility assessments of asylum applications based on sexual and gender-based violence

This research will analyse gender sensitivities in credibility assessments of asylum applications based on sexual or gender-based violence.

Project ongoing
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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Interpersonal violence Gender

Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence and Female Genital Mutilation Support Program

Project ongoing
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Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) Cervical cancer and HPV

ELEVATE: EarLy dEtection of cerVical cAncer in hard-to-reach populations of women through portable and point-of-care HPV TEsting

The ELEVATE consortium wants to empower women to screen for their cervical cancer risk in any setting while guaranteeing rapid and easy-to-understand results

Project ongoing
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Interpersonal violence Gender

Exploration and development of a violence reporting code

Project ongoing
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Interpersonal violence Sexual health and wellbeing

Training general practitioners in addressing domestic and sexual violence in primary care

Sexual and intrafamilial violence are a major public health problem worldwide.

Project ongoing
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Interpersonal violence Sexual health and wellbeing

Implementation of a practical guideline for general practitioners in addressing domestic and sexual violence in primary care

Sexual and intrafamilial violence are a major public health problem worldwide.

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Gender Sexual health and wellbeing

Gender sensitive primary care in Flanders

Domus Medica wants to sensitize, inform and educate general practitioners to provide gender-sensitive, holistic and person-centred care with specific attention to the LGBTQI+ group

Project ongoing
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Interpersonal violence Sexual health and wellbeing

Disability and sexual violence

The research project, titled ‘Disability and Sexual Violence’, was commissioned by the Flemish Government - Agency for Internal Affairs - Department of Equal Opportunities, Integration & Immigration - Equal Opportunities Team, to investigate the prevalence of sexual violence among individuals with disabilities in Belgium.

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Interpersonal violence Sexual health and wellbeing

Training on sexual violence for employees and partners of the Family Justice Centers and the Chain Approach to Domestic Violence

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Interpersonal violence Reproductive rights

Evaluation of the existing assistance landscape for perpetrators and potential perpetrators of sexual violence

Sexual violence is an important social problem that affects public health and well-being. Recent research in the Belgian population showed that all genders and all age groups are vulnerable to sexual violence.

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Interpersonal violence Gender Sexual health and wellbeing

The role and needs of general practitioners in counselling victims of domestic and sexual violence in primary care in Belgium

Sexual and intrafamilial violence are a major public health problem worldwide.

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Interpersonal violence

The Belgian Sexual Assault Care Centres: from piloting to evaluation

Subsequent to ICRH’s feasibility study on the development and validation of a model of holistic care for victims of sexual violence in Belgium, the Federal State Secretary of Equality assigned ICRH to pilot and evaluate Sexual Assault Care Centres (SACC) in Ghent, Brussels and Liège.

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Interpersonal violence Sexual health and wellbeing

Online opleiding rond seksueel geweld voor justitie-assistenten binnen Slachtofferonthaal

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Interpersonal violence Sexual health and wellbeing

Online opleiding rond seksueel geweld voor advocatuur/Juridische eerstelijnsbijstand

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Interpersonal violence Sexual health and wellbeing

Online opleiding rond seksueel geweld voor zorgverleners binnen ziekenhuizen

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The Belgian development cooperation Enabel and the one of Luxemburg LuxDev aim to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and have appointed focal points to implement these SEA policies in each of their partner countries. In order to guide the agencies in their development and implementation of SEA policies as well as to train their focal points well in acting as professional persons of trust that can adequately welcome and accompany victims of SEA.

Project ongoing
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Inclusive Holistic Care for Migrant victims of sexual violence (INHeRE)

Migrants, Applicants of International Protection and Refugees (MAR) are at high risk of sexual victimization (SV) at all stages of their migration trajectory. An integrated holistic approach from detection to follow-up has been recognized as the best care for all victims of SV.

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Interpersonal violence

Chatline for victims of sexual violence and their support figures: development and pilot study

This project aims to make aid as accessible as possible to victims of sexual violence and their support figures. In a first phase the feasibility of a phone- and chatline was researched and a model was developed. Subsequently, the piloting of the chatline model was requested by the Belgian government. The piloting consists of two main parts. The first part holds the launching of a chat service for victims of sexual assault and their support figures. The chat service was launched on April 10th 2019 and aims to bring victims of sexual violence in touch with a SACC or other specialized caregivers.

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Interpersonal violence Epidemiological modeling

Relationships, Stress and Aggression during the COVID-19 crisis in Belgium (RSA)

To contain the COVID-19 pandemic, governments worldwide restricted social and physical contact by issuing lockdown and social-distancing measures. Already  a few weeks after the first COVID-19 realted lockdown being issued in Belgium in March 2020, Prof Keygnaert (UGent-ICHR) and Prof Vandeviver (UGent-IRCP) set up a study on Relationships, Stress and Aggression (RSA) in times of COVID-19 crisis in Belgium. This longitudinal self-reporting study was stopped in July 2020 and got lots of attention as it demonstrated high levels of stress, rather unhealthy ways of coping and a lot of domestic violence occurring in Belgian households.

Project ongoing
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Interpersonal violence Reproductive rights Gender Sexual health and wellbeing

UN-MENAMAIS: Understanding Mechanisms, Nature, Magnitude and Impact of Sexual Violence in Belgium

The UN-MENAMAIS research aims at a better understanding of the mechanisms, nature, magnitude and impact of sexual violence in Belgium.

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HIV & AIDS Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) Adolescent and youth health Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Interpersonal violence Mother and child health Reproductive rights Family planning and contraception Gender Migrant health Policy analysis

Academic network for sexual and reproductive health and rights policy (ANSER)

Ghent University established an Academic Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy that aims to become a global resource for SRHR policy research, education and service delivery by establishing an international platform for research on SRHR policy related topics; by developing a portfolio of education and training programmes on SRHR policy; and by fostering interaction between SRHR researchers and policy makers.

Project ongoing
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Interpersonal violence

Access to health care for undocumented migrants in Belgium: SWOT analysis of the procedure of urgent medical aid

This project aimed at providing an in-depth analysis of the current practice of Urgent Medical Aid (UMA) for Undocumented Migrants (UM) in Belgium.

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Interpersonal violence

Feasibility & Desirability study of Sexual Assault Reference Centres in the Province of Eastern Flanders

This small scale study aimed at assessing the desirability and feasibility of applying ‘sexual assault reference centres’ among the hospitals in the Province of Eastern Flanders that dispose of an emergency care unit and the possibility to conduct medical forensic activities. All 14 hospitals that match those inclusion criteria were invited to participate in the study.

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Interpersonal violence

Addressing interpersonal violence in Belgian hospitals

This project aims to sensitize and train health workers in Belgian hospitals in addressing, assisting and referring patients in interpersonal violence situations adequately. However, due to budgetary restrictions, the different project pathways had to be altered offering only advanced trainings and protocol development coaching to hospitals already included in the project in the previous year (2010-2011).

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Interpersonal violence

Seminar ‘Prevention of sexual & Gender-based Violence in the European Reception & Asylum Sector’: 10 September in Brussels

Within the European reception facilities; asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors as well professionals reveal to be vulnerable to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Yet, no specific prevention tools, codes of conduct nor standard operating procedures in prevention and response of SGBV in this sector exist.

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Interpersonal violence

Addressing Interpersonal Violence within a Hospital Context

This project aims to sensitize and train health workers in Belgian hospitals in addressing, assisting and referring patients in interpersonal violence situations adequately.

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Adolescent and youth health Interpersonal violence Reproductive rights

Frame of Reference in SGBV Prevention Against and Among Young Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Unaccompanied Minors in the European Reception & Asylum Sector (SENPERFORTO)

Applying a Community Based Participatory Research Approach, Senperforto aims to enhance the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the European Reception and Asylum sector by the development of a European Frame of Reference for Prevention of SGBV in this sector. In 2010 we first conducted a Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Survey on SGBV experience, prevention and response among both professionals and young asylum seeking residents in different reception facilities in each of the 8 partner countries.

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Interpersonal violence

A participatory partnership for prevention of sexual violence against transmigrants in Morocco

Objectives: To research sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against trans-migrants in Morocco who aimed or are still aiming at moving on to Europe, in a participatory way To raise awareness about SGBV against trans-migrants among different Moroccan and European stakeholders and the prevention needs and possibilities To empower trans-migrants in preventing SGBV

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Interpersonal violence

Hidden Worries

15 women acting as “network seeds” of which are: 3 undocumented migrant, 3 asylum seeking, 3 refugee, 3 migrant and 3 native women are trained on Sexual and Gender-based Violence, the importance and role of networking in prevention and taking photographs An intercultural network of at least 45 women sharing their experience with SGBV and their prevention needs An exhibition with 15 photographs covering the network of each network seed woman A world café with politicians and other stakeholders on SGBV and the prevention of it

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Interpersonal violence Reproductive rights

EN-HERA! The European Network for the Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Europe & beyond

Objectives To set up a network for the Promotion of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights of Refugees and Asylum Seekers among different stakeholders involved in SRH for refugees and asylum seekers To gradually expand the coverage by the network of the EU area to at least 13 EU Member States To develop a framework for the identification of good practices in SRH policy development for refugees and asylum seekers, SRH services for refugees and asylum seekers and participatory approach of SRH of refugees and asylum seekers To set a common research agenda on SRH of refugees and asylum seekers in the EU To organise an international seminar on SRH of refugees and asylum seekers in the EU To publish and disseminate the project results

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Interpersonal violence

Development of a prevention tool to combat violence against refugees in Europe: a participatory approach

Objectives: To research sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against refugee women and girls in Europe in a participatory way To develop a prevention tool which can be used by refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Europe To raise awareness about SGBV against refugees among the general European public To empower refugee women and girls and to involve men equally

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Adolescent and youth health Interpersonal violence Sexual health and wellbeing Monitoring and evaluation Screening and detection

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