Inclusive Holistic Care for Migrant victims of sexual violence (INHeRE)

Inclusive Holistic Care for Migrant victims of sexual violence (INHeRE)

Professionals working with MAR victims of SV often lack the specialist knowledge, language skills and tools to provide inclusive holistic care and/or to refer them. INHeRE therefore aims to build capacity in key professionals working with MAR victims of SV through the development and scientific evaluation of tailored tools and trainings. Throughout the project, special attention is paid to inclusive care pathways for male MAR victims, victims of human trafficking and  gender and sexually diverse victims. 

Rewatch the closing seminar of the INHeRE project (04/10/2021) here:


Good practice tool for police hearings [ENG, NL, FR, IT]
Good practice tool for police hearings with migrant, applicant for international protection, refugee (MAR), trafficked, and LGBT+ victims of sexual violence

Modello di buona prassi per gli agenti di polizia che conducono colloqui con migranti, richiedenti protezione internazionale, rifugiati (MRR), vittime di tratta e persone LGBT+ che hanno subito violenza sessuale

Outil de bonnes pratiques pour les interrogatoires de police avec les victimes de violences sexuelles étant des migrants, réfugiés, demandeurs de protection internationale (MRD), des victimes de la traite des êtres humains et des victimes LGBT+

Richtlijnen voor politieverhoren met Migranten, Verzoekers om Internationale Bescherming en Vluchtelingen (MiViV), slachtoffers van mensenhandel en LGBT+ slachtoffers van seksueel geweld

Triage tool [NL, ENG, FR, IT]
Triage Tool for identification, care and referral of victims of sexual violence at European asylum reception and accommodation initiatives

Modello di Triage per l’identificazione, l’assistenza e il rinvio delle vittime di violenza sessuale presso le strutture di accoglienza e alloggio

Outil de Triage pour l’identification, les soins et l’orientation des victimes de violences sexuelles dans le cadre des programmes européens d’accueil et d’hébergement des demandeurs de protection internationale

Triage Tool voor identificatie, zorg en doorverwijzing van slachtoffers van seksueel geweld in Europese asielcentra en opvanginitiatieven

Mapping of national policies on safe reporting [ENG]
Safe reporting for migrant victims of sexual violence: Mapping policies in Belgium, Ireland, and the UK

Safe reporting framework for migrant victims [ENG, NL, IT, FR]

Safe reporting framework 

Kader voor veilig melden

Misure di denuncia in sicurezza 

Processus de signalement sécurisé 


Free online course on sexual violence and migration. Access this course via the user guide here [ENG, NL, IT, FR]: 

Free e-learning course on Sexual Violence & Migration 

Gratis online cursus over Seksueel geweld en migratie   

Formation en ligne gratuite sur la violence sexuelle et la migration

Corso gratuito di e-learning su violenza sessuale e migrazione

Project brochures [ENG, NL, IT, FR]: 

Flyer ENG

Flyer NL

Flyer IT

Flyer FR


Leni Linthout, Ines Keygnaert, Saar Baert, Elizaveta Fomenko, Lotte De Schrijver


The research partners include Ghent University, (BE) ICRH (BE), CESSMIR (BE), Payoke (BE), the The Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment (BE), NHS The Havens (UK), the Irish Department of Justice and Equality (IE) and Victim Support Europe (EU).


November 01, 2019 - October 31, 2021

Project status

Project closed

Team members

Ms. Saar Baert
Ms. Elizaveta Fomenko
Ms. Ines Keygnaert
Ms. Leni Linthout