‘Women empower’ duo-exhibition at the University Hospitals in Maputo and Ghent
In Ghent, Belgium and Maputo Mozambique there was simultaneously in the month of March 2020 a photo exhibition in the corridors of both University Hospitals.
In Ghent this was organized for the Ghent cityfestival ‘Belmundo’, but unfortunately needed to close earlier due to the Corona virus outbreak halfway March and the lockdown in Belgium. For this photoproject ICRH PhD fellow Anna Galle and visual anthropologist Tina Krüger, followed 10 women from entering Maputo hospital until they left, they bounded with them and took photos during their stay with their full consent.
The photos were accompanied by the rights of women during labor and delivery. The photo-exhibition wants to sensitize both providers and patients about the right to a respectful birth experience for every women worldwide. The exhibition was part of a bigger project about respectful maternity care which consisted of the training and sensitization of health care providers and conducting a prevalence study about the occurrence of disrespect and abuse in different facilities (https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12884-019-2532-z).
In Belgium the photo exhibition can be lent by libraries, schools and other organisations. More information: Anna.Galle@UGent.be or fathersengage.com