Acceptability and feasibility of video-based health education for maternal and infant health in Dirashe district, South Ethiopia : a qualitative study

Auteurs & affiliatie

Wanzahun Godana Boynito, Godana Yaya Tessema, Kidus Temesgen, Stefaan De Henauw, Souheila Abbeddou


Evidence about innovative methods to facilitate nutrition education counseling and promote the intended behavior change at scale is limited. We assessed the acceptability and feasibility of a video-based health education intervention aiming to promote community care for pregnant women, mothers, and infants in the Dirashe District, Ethiopia. Using a phenomenological study design, the experiences of study participants in a trial testing the effectiveness of video-based health education on birth outcomes and nutritional status of mothers and their infants six months postpartum were assessed. Focus group discussions (FGDs) and key informant interviews (KIIs) were used to collect the data. The study was conducted in the Dirashe District, South Ethiopia. Five FGDs and 41 KII were conducted among video implementers, mothers, nurses, and health extension workers (HEWs) in eight intervention villages. All data were collected with a tape recorder. The tape-recorded data were transcribed and then translated into English. Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The videos delivered messages about nine themes on health, nutrition, and hygiene related to mothers and infants. Overall, the video-based health education interventions was acceptable and feasible. Messages delivered were found to be clear, easily understandable, culturally acceptable, and relevant to the needs of the mothers. Feasibility was affected by the nature of the work, lack of help, and overlapping duties of the HEWs. The video-based health education intervention was acceptable and feasible. It was suggested that determining a common location/venue to show the videos, involving husbands, and involving HEWs could improve the intervention.




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journal.pgph.0000821.pdf (open)