Operation Alert
Sexual and domestic violence is a significant public health problem in Belgium. Alarmingly, 4 out of 5 women and 1 out of 2 men have already experienced some form of sexual violence. During the COVID-19 pandemic, 1 in 4 families faced domestic violence. Regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, background, or education level, anyone can experience violence at some point. The impact of violence can be profound, affecting the physical, psychological, sexual, and reproductive health of victims, as well as their environment and offspring.
There is a growing consensus that healthcare providers should be equipped to offer victim-centered care following incidents of violence. However, few providers receive this training during their education. Many healthcare professionals sense that their patients may be experiencing violence but are unsure how to respond. What should be said? What questions should be asked? What is the appropriate care, and to which specialized care can one be referred to?
In response, the Federal Public Service Health (FOD Volksgezondheid), in collaboration with UZ Gent, UGent, and GAMS, led by Professor Dr. Ines Keygnaert, has launched "Operation Alert." This support program is designed for healthcare providers and support staff in Belgian hospitals. The goal of Operation Alert is to help healthcare professionals recognize signs of sexual violence, domestic violence, and female genital mutilation, and to equip them with tools to start conversations, provide appropriate care, and make referrals for specialized services. The program aims to establish comprehensive, victim-centered & interdisciplinary care.
As part of this project, e-learning modules and tools are being developed to help breaking the cycle of violence. The e-learning courses cover five major themes: understanding different forms of violence and their consequences, communication about violence, self-care, providing holistic and trauma-sensitive care after violence, and offering diversity-sensitive care to specific vulnerable groups. A shorter, tailored learning path is available for support staff. All resources are available in both Dutch and French.
In addition to the training, various supporting tools, flowcharts, and checklists are being developed. By early 2025, there will also be a guideline for screening sexual violence in older adults as well as a psycho-educationtool to help better understand behaviors of patients exposed to violence on their path to recovery.
All materials are accessible at www.operatiealert.be.
Funding agencies
Belgische Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu.
Gender and Violence Team: Saar Baert; Elizaveta Fomenko; Nele Vaerewijck; Jonathan Harb; Ellen Vandamme; Charlotte Boven; Ida Pien; Els Andries; and Prof. dr. Ines Keygnaert
Prof dr Ines Keygnaert
ICRH UGent, UZ Gent, GAMS, FOD Volksgezondheid
January 01, 2023 - June 30, 2025
Project status
Project ongoing
Team members
Ms. Els Andries
Ms. Saar Baert
Ms. Charlotte Boven
Ms. Elizaveta Fomenko
Mr. Harb Jonathan
Ms. Ines Keygnaert
Ms. Ida Pien
Ms. Nele Vaerewijck
Ms. Ellen Vandamme