ANSER : five years of global academic collaboration building evidence for sexual and reproductive health and rights policies

Authors & affiliation

Olivier Degomme, Emilie Peeters, Hedwig Deconinck, Alban Ylli, Albana Fico, Gentiana Qirjako, Dorina Ttocaj, Sara De Meyer, Kristien Michielsen, Anna Page, Wina Baeha, Kristi Praptiwi, Miranda van Reeuwijk, Beatriz Manuel, Elin C. Larsson, Carmen Ortiz, Bernardo Vega, Monserrath Jerves, Simukai Shamu, Annemiek Seeuws, Anna Galle, Anne Nobels, Ines Keygnaert, Hazel Barrett, Nina Van Eekert, Tammary Esho, Els Leye, Carles Pericas Escale, Samuel Thuo Kimani, Sofie Thielemans, Dara De Schutter, Remi Moerkerke, Louis De Backer, Viola N. Nyakato, Elizabeth Kemigisha, Wei Hong Zhang, Marleen Temmerman, Lina Hu, Shangchun Wu, Kaiyan Pei, Charlotte Neves de Oliveira, Argyro Chatzinikolaou, Eva Lievens


The ANSER publication 'Five years of global academic collaboration building evidence for sexual and reproductive health and rights policies' has been published. As a network, we consider it our duty to bridge the gap between research and policymaking, as we strongly believe sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) policies should be based on scientific evidence. In this publication you will find a glimpse of what we have achieved so far. May it inspire you to keep advocating sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. You can find the PDF version attached to this message. If you would like a copy of the publication, you can send an email to Thanks to Ghent University for the support and all our colleagues for their contributions!

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