Sexual assault care centres in Belgium : health professionals’ role in the patient-centred care for victims of sexual violence

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Anke Vandenberghe, Bavo Hendriks, Laura Peeters, Kristien Roelens, Ines Keygnaert


SEXUAL ASSAULT CARE CENTRES IN BELGIUM: THE ROLE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS IN THE PATIENT-CENTRED CARE FOR VICTIMS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE. AUTHORS Anke Vandenberghe1, Bavo Hendriks1, Laura Peeters1, Kristien Roelens, MD, PhD2, Ines Keygnaert, MD, PhD1 1: (International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH), Department of Uro-Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, UZP114, B-9000 Ghent) 2: (Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent University Hospital, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, UZP3, B-9000 Ghent) ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Aiming to provide holistic and patient-centred health care for victims of sexual violence, the Belgian federal government commits itself to establish Sexual Assault Care Centres (SACC). This study evaluated the care for victims of sexual violence in Belgian hospitals anno 2016 in order to formulate recommendations for the intended SACC-model. METHODS Between April and October 2016, a questionnaire scrutinizing caregivers’ knowledge, attitude and practices, the policy in hospitals and caregivers’ opinion towards the care for victims of sexual violence and the intended SACCs, was completed by 60 key health professionals active in 15 different hospitals attached to an Aids Referral Centre. Subsequently, a descriptive analysis with ‘IBM SPSS Statistics 23’ was performed. RESULTS The study showed a lack of knowledge and practical experience of caregivers regarding the care for victims of sexual violence. Approximately 30% of responding caregivers face emotional difficulties upon provision of care to victims of sexual violence. Participants evaluate the current care as good, despite the limited psychosocial support, follow-up, insight for the needs of vulnerable groups and support for family, relatives and health professionals. Yet, the majority of health professionals appraise the SACCs as the best approach for victims and caregivers. CONCLUSIONS Essential in patient-centred health care is an extensive and continuous education, training and supervision of health professionals concerning the care for victims, support for family, relatives and caregivers. The main challenges in establishing SACCs are situated at the institutional and policy level. A good collaboration with other institutions and further research are needed.

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