Characteristics and associated factors of self-reported sexual aggression in the Belgian population aged 16–69

Auteurs & affiliatie

Evelyn Schapansky, Ines Keygnaert, Christophe Vandeviver


Sexual violence is a major public health, societal, and judicial problem worldwide. Studies investigating the characteristics of its perpetrators often rely on samples of convicted offenders, which are biased by low reporting and conviction rates. Based on a self-report study in the Belgian general population aged 16 to 69 (n = 4687), we provide lifetime and past-year prevalence rates of sexual aggression and report the characteristics of the events, including type, target, and the applied coercion strategies. Future research should use behaviourally specific questions that take the perpetrator’s perspective into account to limit interpretation ambiguity which could reduce unintentional non-disclosure of sexual aggression.




Ines Keygnaert

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Crime Science_Sexual Aggression_published.pdf (open)

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