2023 Hoe lid worden van de majorettes ertoe kan leiden dat je verzoek om internationale bescherming wordt geweigerd

Lore Roels

2023 How joining a majorette group can lead you to being denied international protection

Lore Roels

2023 How protecting your daughter can lead you to being denied international protection in Belgium: On Rape Mythology, Delayed Disclosure, and Asylum

Lore Roels

2023 Praktijkgids voor advocaten : gendergerelateerde procedures om internationale bescherming (seksueel en gendergerelateerd geweld, seksuele oriëntatie en genderidentiteit)

Liselot Casteleyn, Lore Roels

2023 Improving safeguarding of unaccompanied migrant young people

Susanna Corona Maioli, Amy Stevens, Alexandra Cardoso Pinto, Leni Linthout, Delan Devakumar

2023 Belgium's health care system : the way forward to address the challenges of the 21st century ; comment on 'Integration or fragmentation of health care? Examining policies and politics in a Belgian case study'

Jan De Maeseneer, Anna Galle

2023 Measures to assess quality of postnatal care : a scoping review

Anna Galle, Allisyn C. Moran, Mercedes Bonet, Katriona Graham, Moise Muzigaba, Anayda Portela, Louise Tina Day, Godwin Kwaku Tuabu, Bianca De Sá é Silva, Ann-Beth Moller

2023 Systematische knip en gebrek aan communicatie: wie bevalt in Europa krijgt niet altijd respectvolle zorg

Anna Galle

2023 Utilisation of services along the continuum of maternal healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic in Lubumbashi, DRC : findings from a cross-sectional household survey of women

Anna Galle, Gladys Kavira, Aline Semaan, Francoise Malonga Kaj, Lenka Benova, Abel Ntambue

2023 Fertility and contraceptive dynamics amidst COVID-19 : who is at greatest risk for unintended pregnancy among a cohort of adolescents and young adults in Nairobi, Kenya?

SN Wood, ME Byrne, M Thiongo, B Devoto, G Wamue-Ngare, MR Decker, Peter Gichangi

Annual Reports

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012