Ms Lore Roels
Lore Roels (she/her) is a junior PhD fellow within ICRH’s Gender & Violence Team and the Migration Law Research Group at Ghent University. She is a member of the University’s interfaculty Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR) and the Human Rights Centre (HRC). She holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Master of Laws degree from Ghent University, as well as an LLM degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where she specialised in law & gender, asylum law and human rights. During her studies, Lore interned for two sexual and reproductive rights NGOs in Uganda (UYAHF and The Suubi Centre), the University Centre for Development Cooperation (UCOS), law firm Justis Lawyers Group, the Belgian Council for Alien Law Litigation and Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen. Lore’s PhD focuses on gender-(in)sensitivities in credibility assessments in European asylum procedures based on sexual and gender-based violence and is supervised by Prof. Dr. Ellen Desmet (Faculty of Law) and Prof. Dr. Ines Keygnaert (Faculty of Medicine).
Publicaties van Lore
2024 Rape myths in the European Court of Human Rights’ non-refoulement case law on sexual and gender-based violenceLore Roels
2023 Guide pratique pour les avocat·es : procédures de protection internationale liées au genre : violences sexuelles ou basées sur le genre, orientation sexuelle et identité de genreLiselot Casteleyn, Lore Roels
2023 Hoe lid worden van de majorettes ertoe kan leiden dat je verzoek om internationale bescherming wordt geweigerdLore Roels
2023 How joining a majorette group can lead you to being denied international protectionLore Roels
2023 How protecting your daughter can lead you to being denied international protection in Belgium: On Rape Mythology, Delayed Disclosure, and AsylumLore Roels
2023 Praktijkgids voor advocaten : gendergerelateerde procedures om internationale bescherming (seksueel en gendergerelateerd geweld, seksuele oriëntatie en genderidentiteit)Liselot Casteleyn, Lore Roels
2022 Talking Evidence Series 5 : thinking about how to counteract the polluting effect of stereotypesMarie-Benedicte Dembour, Elena Ghidoni, Lore Roels
2020 Digitale Controle op Migratie vs. het Recht op Privacy en Gegevensbescherming in België: De toegang tot smartphones en sociale mediaprofielen in Belgische verzoekprocedures om internationale beschermingLore Roels
2020 Socialemedia- en smartphonescreenings tegen misbruik in Belgische verzoekprocedures om internationale bescherming : een doel dat de middelen niet wettigtLore Roels