Mr Olivier Degomme

Director, Associate Professor


Olivier Degomme is Director of the International Centre for Reproductive Health and Associate Professor at Ghent University.  He coordinates a team of 30 staff members in our research center. The research teams are studying sexually transmitted diseases; adolescent health, gender, sexual violence, maternal and child health; sexual and reproductive health in vulnerable populations,... The research projects include H2020 projects, several FWO (Research Foundation - Flanders) research projects, as well as consultancies for UN organizations and national governments. He is as well coordinator of the Academic Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy and of the interuniversity Master in Global Health. Furthermore, he is providing day-to-day assistance and supervision to several PhD candidates from various countries including Belgium, Kenya and Mozambique.

Publicaties van Olivier

2024 Assessing post-abortion care using the WHO quality of care framework for maternal and newborn health: a cross-sectional study in two African hospitals in humanitarian settings

Estelle Pasquier, Onikepe O. Owolabi, Bill Powell, Tamara Fetters, Richard Norbert Ngbale, Daphne Lagrou, Claire Fotheringham, Catrin Schulte-Hillen, Huiwu Chen, Timothy Williams, Ann M. Moore, Mariette Claudia Adame Gbanzi, Pierre Debeaudrap, Veronique Filippi, Lenka Benova, Olivier Degomme

2024 Gender Diversity Among Young Adolescents: Are Gender Attitudes, Sexual Orientation, Gender Roles, Gender Identity and Sex Assigned at Birth Associated With Liking to Become a Wo/Man and the Body Image of Young Adolescents in Belgium?

Sara De Meyer, Olivier Degomme, Kristien Michielsen

2024 Induced abortion: a cross-sectional study on knowledge of and attitudes toward the new abortion law in Maputo and Quelimane cities, Mozambique (vol 20, 129, 2020)

Monica Frederico, Carlos Arnaldo, Peter Decat, Adelino Juga, Elizabeth Kemigisha, Olivier Degomme, Kristien Michielsen

2024 Promoting mental wellbeing in pregnant women living in Pakistan with the Safe Motherhood-Accessible Resilience Training (SM-ART) intervention: a randomized controlled trial

Shireen Shehzad Bhamani, An-Sofie Van Parys, David Arthur, Nicole Letourneau, Gail Wagnild, Olivier Degomme

2023 Label-free electrochemical immunosensor for cervical cancer screening

Sallam Al-Madhagi, Patricia Khashayar, Bo Verberckmoes, Evelien Peeters, Elien De Paepe, Heleen Vermandere, Mieke Adriaens, Jan Vanfleteren, Olivier Degomme, Elizaveta Padalko

2023 P16/KI67 levels to revolutionize cellular dysplasia detection in cervical cancer

Patricia Khashayar, Sallam Al-Madhagi, Bo Verberckmoes, Evelien Peeters, Elien De Paepe, Heleen Vermandere, Marleen Praet, Olivier Degomme, Elizaveta Padalko, Mieke Adriaens, Jan Vanfleteren

2023 Comparison between the Roche Cobas 4800 human papillomavirus (HPV), Abbott RealTime high-risk HPV, Seegene Anyplex II HPV28, and novel Seegene Allplex II HPV28 assays for high-risk HPV detection and genotyping in mocked self-samples

Margo Bell, Bo Verberckmoes, Janne Devolder, Heleen Vermandere, Olivier Degomme, Yasmin Medeiros Guimarães, Luani Rezende Godoy, Elena Ambrosino, Piet Cools, Elizaveta Padalko

2023 Development and validation of safe motherhood-accessible resilience training (SM-ART) intervention to improve perinatal mental health

Shireen Bhamani, David Arthur, An-Sofie Van Parys, Nicole Letourneau, Gail Wagnild, Olivier Degomme

2022 Barriers and facilitators to cervical cancer screening among under- and neverscreened women in Belgium : a qualitative study on community and healthcare providers’ perspective

Bo Verberckmoes, Elien De Paepe, Janne De Vestele, Heleen Vermandere, Ines Keygnaert, Olivier Degomme

2022 Barriers and facilitators to cervical cancer screening among under-screened women in Cuenca, Ecuador : the perspectives of women and health professionals

Bernardo Vega Crespo, Vivian Alejandra Neira, Jose Ortiz Segarra, Andres Andrade, Gabriela Guerra, Stalin Ortiz, Antonieta Flores, Lorena Mora, Veronique Verhoeven, Ana Gama, Sonia Dias, Bo Verberckmoes, Heleen Vermandere, Kristien Michielsen, Olivier Degomme

2022 Resilience and prenatal mental health in Pakistan : a qualitative inquiry

Shireen Bhamani, David Arthur, An-Sofie Van Parys, Nicole Letourneau, Gail Wagnild, Shahirose Sadrudin Premji, Nargis Asad, Olivier Degomme

2022 'It never rains, but it pours'-Disasters triggered by natural hazards, sexual risk-taking behavior, and the role of health systems: A worldwide ecological analysis

Cato Dambre, Nick Julien Baumgart, Sarah Feron, Ofer Engel, Hamed Seddighi, Olivier Degomme, Valentina Gallo

2022 Improving access to maternal health services among rural hard-to-reach fishing communities in Uganda, the role of community health workers

Ali Ssetaala, Julius Ssempiira, Mathias Wambuzi, Gertrude Nanyonjo, Brenda Okech, Kundai Chinyenze, Bernard Bagaya, Matt Price, Noah Kiwanuka, Olivier Degomme

2022 Improving access to maternal health services among rural hard-to-reach fishing communities in Uganda, the role of community health workers

Ali Ssetaala, Julius Ssempiira, Mathias Wambuzi, Gertrude Nanyonjo, Brenda Okech, Kundai Chinyenze, Bernard Bagaya, Matt A. Price, Noah Kiwanuka, Olivier Degomme

2022 Nevirapine hair and plasma concentrations and HIV-1 viral suppression among HIV infected ante-partum and post-partum women attended in a mother and child prevention program in Maputo city, Mozambique

Rosa Marlene Cuco, Osvaldo Loquiha, Adelino Juga, Aleny Couto, Bindiya Meggi, Adolfo Vubil, Esperanca Sevene, Nafissa Osman, Marleen Temermam, Olivier Degomme, Mohsin Sidat, Nilesh Bhatt

2021 ANSER : five years of global academic collaboration building evidence for sexual and reproductive health and rights policies

Olivier Degomme, Emilie Peeters, Hedwig Deconinck, Alban Ylli, Albana Fico, Gentiana Qirjako, Dorina Ttocaj, Sara De Meyer, Kristien Michielsen, Anna Page, Wina Baeha, Kristi Praptiwi, Miranda van Reeuwijk, Beatriz Manuel, Elin C. Larsson, Carmen Ortiz, Bernardo Vega, Monserrath Jerves, Simukai Shamu, Annemiek Seeuws, Anna Galle, Anne Nobels, Ines Keygnaert, Hazel Barrett, Nina Van Eekert, Tammary Esho, Els Leye, Carles Pericas Escale, Samuel Thuo Kimani, Sofie Thielemans, Dara De Schutter, Remi Moerkerke, Louis De Backer, Viola N. Nyakato, Elizabeth Kemigisha, Wei Hong Zhang, Marleen Temmerman, Lina Hu, Shangchun Wu, Kaiyan Pei, Charlotte Neves de Oliveira, Argyro Chatzinikolaou, Eva Lievens

2021 Systematic review of the concept ‘male involvement in maternal health’ by natural language processing and descriptive analysis

Anna Galle, Gaëlle Plaieser, Tessa Van Steenstraeten, Sally Griffin, Nafissa Bique Osman, Kristien Roelens, Olivier Degomme

2021 Towards a global framework for assessing male involvement in maternal health : results of an international Delphi study

Anna Galle, Sally Griffin, Kristien Roelens, Olivier Degomme

2021 Safe Motherhood-Accessible Resilience Training (SM-ART) Intervention Manual

Shireen Bhamani, Olivier Degomme, An-Sofie Van Parys, David Arthur, Nicole Letourneau, Gail Wagnild

2021 Mobility for maternal health among women in hard-to-reach fishing communities on Lake Victoria, Uganda : a community-based cross-sectional survey

Ali Ssetaala, Julius Ssempiira, Gertrude Nanyonjo, Brenda Okech, Kundai Chinyenze, Bernard Bagaya, Matt A Price, Noah Kiwanuka, Olivier Degomme

Projecten van Olivier

Cervical cancer and HPV

A Community-based HPV screening Implementation in Low-Income countries - CHILI

Baarmoederhalskanker is de vierde meest voorkomende vorm van kanker bij vrouwen wereldwijd, met tot 85% van de last in landen met beperkte middelen. Vroege opsporing van voorstadia van kanker heeft aangetoond succesvol te zijn in het verminderen van kankerincidentie en -sterfte, maar een wereldwijde toepassing van deze aanpak wordt belemmerd door verschillen in cultuur en middelen tussen landen.

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Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's) Cervical cancer and HPV

ELEVATE: Vroege detectie van baarmoederhalskanker in moeilijk bereikbare populaties van vrouwen door middel van draagbare en point-of-care HPV tests.

Het ELEVATE-consortium wil vrouwen in staat stellen om in elke omgeving hun risico op baarmoederhalskanker te screenen en tegelijkertijd snelle en gemakkelijk te begrijpen resultaten te garanderen. Daartoe zal het project moeilijk bereikbare vrouwen identificeren en een screeningstrategie ontwerpen om toegang tot hen te krijgen.

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Doelstelling SymMapp: SymMapp wil nagaan of de verspreiding van COVID-19 in kaart kan worden gebracht op basis van een mobiele app waarbij gebruikers zelf inschatten of ze bepaalde symptomen ervaren. Het verkrijgen van deze informatie over verspreidingspatronen, reproductiesnelheid, etc. betekent een meerwaarde in de strijd om potentiële nieuwe uitbraken in kaart te brengen, en kan zo bijdragen tot de mogelijkheid om snel wetenschappelijk gefundeerde beleidskeuzes te genereren in tijden van crisis.

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's) Adolescent and youth health Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Interpersonal violence Mother and child health Reproductive rights Family planning and contraception Gender Migrant health Policy analysis

Academisch netwerk voor seksuele en reproductieve gezondheid en rechten beleid (ANSER)

Universiteit Gent richtte het ANSER (Academic Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy) op. Het netwerk wordt internationaal gedragen door tientallen instellingen.

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Mother and child health Family planning and contraception

Participatory Action Research at central hospital of Maputo: Stimulating male involvement in the respectful maternity care model

Bewijs suggereert dat veel vrouwen tijdens hun bevalling mishandeling ervaren door zorgverleners in gezondheidscentra over de hele wereld, maar de omvang van het probleem is onbekend. Gebrek aan respect en misbruik in de kraamzorg heeft invloed op de algehele kwaliteit van de zorg en kan het vertrouwen van vrouwen in het gezondheidssysteem ondermijnen.

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's) Mother and child health Reproductive rights

Institutional University Cooperation with University Eduardo Mondlane

In the context of the University Development Cooperation, the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), Mozambique, was selected as a partner institution of the VLIR-UDC-programme ‘Institutional University Cooperation’. The implementation of the Partner Programme with UEM (2008-2013) is coordinated by professor Marleen Temmerman. The programme is being implemented inter-university and has as central theme ‘Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS’. It comprises, in this first phase, 8 projects. Five projects address a sub-theme of the central theme and 3 projects will strengthen capacity in specific areas.

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HIV prevention interventions targeting sex workers and their clients in Kenya (BORESHA)

Overall objective: To develop a multi-level HIV risk-reduction intervention targeting sex workers and their clients at entertainment venues (bars/night clubs) in Mombasa, Kenya and test its feasibility and acceptability, as well as the feasibility of an intervention evaluation design to be used in a future larger study.

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's) Health system research Reproductive rights

Diagonal Interventions to Fast Forward Enhanced Reproductive Health (DIFFER)

The DIFFER project aims at improving access to sexual and reproductive health for the most vulnerable by a better linkage between interventions targeted at most-at-risk populations, in particular female sex workers, and the general reproductive health services. It will be implemented at four sites in Kenya (Mombasa), Mozambique (Tete), South Africa (Durban) and India (Mysore).

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HIV & AIDS Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa's) Health system research Reproductive rights

Improved Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Services for Most at Risk Populations in Tete, Mozambique (Tete-MARP)

The Tete-MARP project aims at improving HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) among female sex workers (FSW) in the Tete-Moatize area in Mozambique. The project uses an HIV combination prevention approach, combining behavioural, biological and structural interventions, integrates HIV services with services for other SRHR topics and targets male clients of FSW for behaviour change.

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Gender Policy analysis

PSR-project in samenwerking met de Belgische Directie-Generaal voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (DGD)

De Belgische Directie-Generaal voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (DGD) wil werken aan een verbeterd Belgisch beleid op het gebied van SDG's, gender-, water- en private sectorontwikkeling. Hiervoor willen zij gebruik maken van beleidsondersteunend onderzoek in samenwerking met Belgische onderzoekers die verbonden zijn aan hoger onderwijsinstellingen.

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